EIO (2017): Policies and Practices for Eco-Innovation Uptake and Circular Economy Transition

EIO (2017): Policies and Practices for Eco-Innovation Uptake and Circular Economy Transition

The Eco-Innovation Observatory (EIO) is an EU-funded initiative be on the lookout for new eco-innovations and identify trends in this area.

The new 2016 report of the Eco-Innovation Observatory of the European Commission discusses the role of policy for eco-innovation in the circular economy transition. It looks at the present framework conditions fostered by European policies and how the circular economy concept is being embedded in a current policy context at the EU level and in the Member States. It also discusses the bottom-up and top-down circular economy challenges.

32 good practice examples of circular economy oriented eco-innovations and initiatives from the EU Member States are featured in the report. They altogether provide evidence for the multifaceted and impressive eco-innovation potential of EU Member States. The report also presents the cross country comparison based on the recent eco-innovation indicators featured in the EU and Global eco-innovation scoreboards.

More information

EIO (2017): Policies and Practices for Eco-Innovation Uptake and Circular Economy Transition