Capgemini (2024): Engineering biology: The time is now

Capgemini (2024): Engineering biology: The time is now

According to a study by the Capgemini Research Institute on the Bioeconomy, companies across industries are focusing on the transformative potential of synthetic biology. 

The study 'Engineering Biology: The time is now' shows that sustainability is a key driver of corporate interest in biotechnology. More than 70% of companies expect to achieve their sustainability goals significantly faster with the help of biosolutions. Other motives include cost reduction, product optimisation and increased safety of products and production processes. The study also highlights the challenges that need to be overcome to realise this potential, ranging from market perception and acceptance to high costs and a lack of qualified specialists.

The survey polled 1,100 executives from large companies with annual revenues of more than one billion US dollars. The companies were from eleven industries and were based in North America, the UK, continental Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East. In addition, 500 executives from startups in synthetic biology and related fields were surveyed, and in-depth interviews were conducted with 20 experts.

The detailed results can be found here:  Unlocking the potential of engineering biology: The time is now