
Eine KI-basierte Karte der Bioökonomie-Aktivitäten in Deutschland

AI language model generates map of bioeconomy companies

A BMBF-funded research team has trained a language model with web texts from 680,000 German companies and has identified and localised those with bioeconomy activities.

Prof. Dr. Maria Mittag von der Universität Jena mit Kulturen der Grünalge Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Alliance of microalgae and bacteria

Researchers from Jena have investigated a community of bacteria and microalgae and discovered how they jointly contribute to climate protection.

Robert Hoffie untersucht Gerste

Key gene for toxic alkaloid discovered in barley

Many varieties of barley produce a substance called gramine, which is toxic to livestock. Researchers from Hanover and Gatersleben have discovered how the alkaloid is produced in the plant.

Aufbau des Wandelements

New composite material made from plant-based carbon fibres and biochar

As an alternative to reinforced concrete, researchers at the German Institute of Textile and Fibre Research have developed a combined building material made of natural stone, carbon fibres and biochar that has a particularly good carbon footprint.

Maispflanzen im Labor

Genetic material of maize plants influences the root microbiome

Not only the properties of the soil, but also the genetic make-up of a plant influence which microbes colonise its roots. This is shown by an international study in which researchers from Bonn and Gatersleben were involved.

Success stories


Research Map

In our research map you will find more than 800 research institutions in Germany dealing with topics relevant to the bioeconomy.

Click here for the map