Bioeconomy News

Number of search results: 953
Anhand von Drohnenfotos oder anderen Bildern aus frühem Wachstumsstadien kann die Software die zukünftige Entwicklung der Pflanzen visualisieren.
Using drone photos or other images from early growth stages, the software can visualise the future development of the plants.

AI makes the growth of arable plants visible

Researchers in Bonn have developed software that can be used to visualise the future growth of arable crops and predict important parameters such as yield.


Green ERA-Hub: EU alliances for innovative plant breeding wanted

As part of the European "Green ERA-Hub" initiative, the BMBF is funding innovative approaches for a sustainable bioeconomy. A new round of calls for proposals is focussing on the breeding of resistant crops.

Blick auf Garnrollen im Recycling Atelier Augsburg
From single fibres to card slivers: the Recycling Atelier Augsburg has all the necessary equipment for processing recycled textiles.

DATI innovation communities

Of the 20 innovation communities selected as part of DATIpilot, two are focussing on innovations in biotechnology and one on textile recycling. The consortia are being funded by the BMBF with up to 5 million euros.

Drei Forschende von der Ruhr-Uni-Bochum mit einem Modell
Thomas Happe, Rieke Haas and Ulf-Peter Apfel (from left) investigated the catalytic centre of an algae enzyme in detail in order to better understand the requirements for hydrogen production.

Algae enzymes for hydrogen production

Researchers at Ruhr-Universität Bochum have been able to clarify how the algal enzyme HydF is structured and what role a so-called cofactor plays in the production of hydrogen.

Gersten-Ähren mit langen Grannen

New SFB: Protein biochemistry meets plant research

The German Research Foundation is funding a new Collaborative Research Centre at the University of Halle-Wittenberg. The focus is on mutations in the genetic material of plants and how these affect proteins.

Drei verschiedene Maispflanzen nach einer Dürre und anschließender Wiederbewässerung. In den beiden rechten Pflanzen wurde ein Gen ausgeschaltet, wodurch sie weniger Seminal- und mehr Lateralwurzeln bildeten. Linke Pflanze mit intaktem Gen
Three different maize plants after a drought and subsequent re-watering. In the two plants on the right, a gene was switched off, causing them to form fewer seminal roots and more lateral roots. Left plant with intact gene

How roots protect maize plants from drought

The domestication of maize has greatly changed the root system of the food plant. This is the conclusion of a study involving researchers from Bonn. They also identified a gene that is crucial for the breeding of drought-resistant plants.

BonaRes-Konferenz 2024 in Leipzig
Combined soil research expertise: The BonaRes conference took place at the Leipzig KUBUS in the Leipzig Science Park.

Soil research: BonaRes experts take stock

Experts from science and agricultural practice discussed the key results of the soil research funding programme at the BonaRes conference in Leipzig.

v.l.n.r.: Beirat Florian Dr. Gerold Lukowski, Dr. Florain Köster, Vorstand Prof. Beatrice Großjohann, Dr. René Glas-Albrecht, Birgit Pscheidl
Founding of IG HELIX: from left: Advisory board member Florian Gerold Lukowski, Florain Köster, board member Beatrice Großjohann, René Glas-Albrecht, Birgit Pscheidl, honorary member Christian Pattermann was present online (computer screen in background)

New bioeconomy alliance for bio-based healthcare products

At the BioEconomy Centre Anklam, an alliance of research and business has been established under the name IG Helix, which aims to increase the focus on the use of plant-based raw materials from the region – especially for health products.


Biotechnology in Germany: More than 1 billion euros flow into the sector

More fresh capital flowed into the German biotechnology sector in 2023 than in the previous year. There was also an increase in venture capital investments.

Blick in die BMBF-Broschüre Agrarsysteme der Zukunft

Agricultural systems of the future: the new brochure is now available

In the BMBF funding programme ‘Agricultural Systems of the Future’, eight large consortia are researching innovative approaches for the sustainable food production of tomorrow. A new brochure, which bioö has produced in cooperation with the participants, provides information on their concepts, objectives and successes to date.

Antimikrobiell beschichtete Schuhsohle
Antimicrobial coating on 3D-printed shoe soles

Antimicrobial coating for shoe soles

The development of new products from plant-based raw materials was the focus of an EU project in which Fraunhofer researchers from the ISC utilised their innovative coating called bioORMOCER for new fields of application – such as shoe soles and vehicles.

Algenfarm in Norwegen
The seaweed used by BettaF!sh is cultivated in Norway.

BettaF!sh: Algae ingredients for fish alternatives

The Berlin start-up BettaF!sh will contribute its expertise in the development of new technologies for the production of healthy food from cultivated seaweed to the new EU research project FunSea.

Maispflanzen auf einer Anbaufläche
Maize plants on a cultivated area

How the root zone can secure crop yields

The RhizoTraits joint project aims to investigate the extent to which different mixtures of maize varieties can guarantee higher yields despite climate change. The focus is on the plant's root zone – the rhizosphere.

Das Team von Climate Food
The Cultimate Foods team has already carried out several commercial pilot projects with leading food companies.

Millions for cell-based fat ingredient

The Berlin-based biotech start-up Cultimate Foods has raised €2.3 million from investors for the development of cultured fat ingredients to give plant-based meat substitutes an authentic flavour.

Makroalgen im Glas
The green algae Ulva spp. and the red algae Furcellaria lumbricalis are soon to be cultivated in the Baltic Sea.

Establishing algae cultivation in the Baltic Sea

Under the leadership of the Rostock-based Alles Alge association, researchers and companies want to jointly develop a system for cultivating macroalgae in the Baltic Sea.

Leibniz-Institut für Plasmaforschung und Technologie (INP)
The INP is the largest non-university research centre for low-temperature plasmas in Europe.

Greifswald: Plasma technology for the bioeconomy

The Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) in Greifswald is receiving millions in funding from the federal and state governments to expand research in the fields of agriculture, bioeconomy and the environment.

In der neuen Bio-LNG-Anlage können jährlich rund 100.000 Tonnen des CO2-ärmeren Kraftstoffes hergestellt werden.
The new bio-LNG plant can produce around 100,000 tonnes of the less CO2-intensive fuel every year.

Shell starts bio-LNG production on the Rhine

Shell Deutschland recently commissioned Germany's largest bio-LNG plant at the Energy and Chemicals Park Rheinland in Cologne. A liquefied fuel mixture of biomethane and fossil natural gas is produced here for heavy goods transport.

Insempra's Technologie ermöglicht die Produktion qualitativ hochwertiger, nachhaltiger Materialien auf biologischer Basis.
Insempra uses its technology platform to produce functional ingredients such as flavours and fragrances for the cosmetics industry.

Biotech start-up Insempra secures millions in financing

The start-up Insempra has raised 20 million US dollars in a financing round. The Munich-based company specialises in the biotechnological production of natural ingredients for the food, cosmetics and textile industries.

Mykorrhiza-Netzwerk am Beispiel von Monotropa uniflora, hier verbunden mit Baumwurzen übergemeinsame Pilze. Originalabbildung aus der Publikation verändert und ergänzt.
Mycorrhizal network using the example of Monotropa uniflora, here connected with tree roots via common fungi. Original illustration from the publication modified and supplemented.

Fungal networks in the forest: evidence for Wood Wide Web

An international research team with the participation of the University of Bayreuth sees mycoheterotrophic plants as the key to the previously controversial existence of the underground mycorrhizal network in forests.

Testfeld zur regenarativen Landwirtschaft
Researchers are investigating how measures in regenerative agriculture can protect against climate impacts.

Adapting soils to climate change with regenerative arable farming

Can soils be protected from heat, drought and heavy rainfall through reduced cultivation and permanent planting? A research team from Hesse has produced some promising initial results.