c/o BIOCOM Interrelations GmbH
Jacobsenweg 61
13509 Berlin
Tel +49-(0)30-264921-60
Fax +49-(0)30-264921-66
Production & Publishing:
BIOCOM Interrelations GmbH, Berlin, HRB 252117 B
Steuer-Nr.: 30/230/50889
Editor-in-Chief (responsible for editorial content):
Dr. Martin Reich (mr)
Editorial team:
Beatrix Boldt (bb)
Simone Ding (sd)
Lea Holzamer (lh)
Dr. Christian Kähler (ck)
Kristin Kambach (kk)
Björn Lohmann (bl)
Margarita Milidakis (mm)
Uta Mommert (um)
Design, Realisation and Technical Provider:
]init[ AG
Köpenicker Str. 9
10997 Berlin
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BIOCOM does not guarantee the relevance, correctness, completeness or quality of the information on offer. BIOCOM rejects any responsibility for damages, irrespective of their financial or material nature, that may result form the use or non-use of the information on offer or from the use of erroneous or incomplete information. The abovementioned does not apply in cases of proven deliberate or severely reckless wrongdoing on the part of BIOCOM. All offers are subject to alteration and carry no obligation. BIOCOM reserves the right to alter parts of individual pages or the complete offer without further notice and to temporarily or permanently suspend this service.
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