

Thailand does not have its own bioeconomy strategy, but is one of Asia’s pioneers with regard to biotechnology. Political strategies for the further development of biotechnology have existed since 2004.

In 2012, a new framework program, the "Biotechnology Development Policy Framework", was published to cover plans for the coming decade. It aims to strengthen the role of biotechnology in the energy, food, agriculture and health sectors. The National Science Technology and Innovation Policy Office and the National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology are responsible for the strategy. The Kingdom sees great potential in the promotion of bioplastics ("National BioPlastics Roadmap") and bioenergy ("Alternative Energy and Development Plan"). Agriculture is at the beating heart of the Thai economy. Its by-products and residues are regarded as sustainable raw materials for the expansion of bioenergy. Even today, a large part of renewable energy comes from the utilisation of biomass. According to the framework program, attention is paid to ensuring that the expansion of bioenergy does not come at the expense of food supplies.