Agricultural systems of the future: the new brochure is now available
In the BMBF funding programme ‘Agricultural Systems of the Future’, eight large consortia are researching innovative approaches for the sustainable food production of tomorrow. A new brochure, which bioö has produced in cooperation with the participants, provides information on their concepts, objectives and successes to date.

Climate change, global population growth and urbanisation: our food and agricultural systems are facing a multitude of complex challenges. New solutions are needed for sustainable, resource-efficient and adaptable agricultural production. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) wants to play an active role in shaping the transformation towards a sustainable, future-proof agricultural and food industry.
On the way to a sustainable bioeconomy, the BMBF has therefore launched the ‘Agricultural Systems of the Future’ funding measure: since 2019, eight inter- and transdisciplinary research consortia across Germany have been developing innovative, automated and digitalised production systems for the agricultural sector. Modern cultivation and key technologies are intelligently networked in new, systemic concepts. The consortia are investigating alternative production systems from rural to urban areas. They are working on two general approaches:
- Smart Farming: The joint projects NOcsPS, DAKIS, Driver Cab 4.0 and GreenGrass are developing high-tech solutions for production processes in crop cultivation and animal husbandry.
- Sustainable food security in urban areas: Sustainable food security in urban areas is an important goal of the funded joint projects SUSKULT, RUN, CUBES Circle and food4future.
Around 50 million euros in BMBF funding
In addition, the work of the eight ‘Agricultural Systems of the Future’ consortia is being supported scientifically and communicatively by a coordination centre. They are all united by the goal of researching and actively shaping a new type of agricultural production in the area of tension between scientific and technical feasibility, economic viability and social acceptance.
In the first funding phase, the BMBF has supported the ‘Agricultural Systems of the Future’ funding programme with a total of around 50 million euros until 2023/24. The BMBF is following the recommendations of a panel of experts and will fund the ‘Agricultural Systems of the Future’ programme in a second implementation phase.
In a 42-page brochure, which is currently only available as a PDF, the research consortia present the objectives, challenges and successes already achieved in the first funding period of ‘Agricultural Systems of the Future’ in compact and richly illustrated portraits. It is an exciting journey with a fascinating variety of innovative approaches. 'Agricultural Systems of the Future’ vividly demonstrates how modern agricultural and food research can make a sustainable contribution to overcoming social and global challenges.

Agricultural systems of the future
Smart and sustainable food production
Publisher: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), May 2024
Production: bioö BIOCOM Interrelations GmbH
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only available in German
A production of bioö
The information platform bioö realised the publication on behalf of the BMBF. Editorial manager Philipp Graf was responsible for the concept and editorial realisation. The actors from the eight research consortia of Agricultural Systems of the Future (AdZ) contributed the content for the respective portrait chapters. The team at the AdZ coordination centre and the project management agency Jülich (PtJ) supported us in the production of the brochure. Michaela Reblin and Martina Willnow from the BIOCOM Interrelations GmbH team were responsible for the design and production.