
Bienenvolk auf Wabenstruktur

In-depth report

Insects as a resource

Their great diversity and broad food spectrum make insects a unique resource for the bioeconomy. This in-depth report sheds light on how humans utilise insects and the natural products they produce and highlights the research into innovative applications.

Biogasanlage in Wredenhagen (Mecklenburg-Vortpommern)

Success story

Sustainable production of synthesis gas from biogas

As part of the Biogasohol project, researchers from Rostock are working with Vietnamese partners to develop new catalysts and processes to convert carbon dioxide and methane from biogas into synthesis gas and make it usable for the chemical industry.

Planet Erde und das Weltall

In-depth report

Bioeconomy in space

Space is an extraordinary and fascinating environment. Biobased innovations can help open up the universe as a space suitable for living. At the same time, satellites and other innovations in space research help to further develop the bioeconomy on Earth.

Vegane Fleischersatzprodukte

Studies and statistics

IIASA (2023): Feeding climate and biodiversity goals with novel plant-based meat alternatives

Replacing 50% of meat and dairy products with plant-based alternatives by 2050 can reduce agriculture and land use related greenhouse gas emissions by 31% and halt the degradation of forest and natural land, according to a recent study.

Preview Bioökonomie-Ausstellung

Bioeconomy Exhibition

The bioeconomy has rapidly developed in recent years. What has been accomplished in the last five years alone is truly impressive: Many bioeconomy products have become bestsellers. Bio-based start-ups have grown into medium-sized companies. And established, traditional industrial companies are integrating bio-based production steps into their existing structures.

The latest from the bioeconomy

biologischer Anbau von Erdbeeren in Kalifornien mit Blühstreifen aus Wildblumen|

Major agricultural study: diversity in agriculture pays off

A global study led by the Universities of Hohenheim and Copenhagen shows that diversified agriculture not only benefits biodiversity, but also contributes to food security.

Im Spritzgussverfahren hergestellte Dämpfungswanne

Vehicle underbody made from new biocomposite material

Together with industrial partners, Fraunhofer researchers have developed a new biocomposite material for the production of vehicle underbodies, thereby significantly improving the carbon footprint of the entire production cycle.

Schaufenster Bioökonomie auf der Hannover Messe 24

Hannover Messe 2024: Sustainable industry with bioeconomy

The Bioeconomy Showcase is presenting bio-based innovations in high density in Hall 2 of the Hannover Messe: 18 federally funded projects are providing information about their research and development.


Tapping into the potential of salt-tolerant plants

As part of the European research project Aquacombine, partners from six countries are demonstrating the potential that halophytes such as samphire have for the bioeconomy.


Biophysikerin Prof. Dr. Christine Ziegler

"Uncovering the key signals of plants under water stress"

Christine Ziegler is researching how plants perceive water stress and the underlying mechanisms. The biophysicist was awarded the Synergy Grant by the European Research Council in 2023.

Worldwide strategies

The bioeconomy is gaining ground all over the world. A large number of countries have now adopted bioeconomy strategies - with various focus areas. You can find them in the following overview.

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In the spotlight

Bioeconomy inside

Rundes Waschbecken


Stable, heat-resistant, scratch-proof. These are the properties that a washbasin should have. Sanitary ceramics are ideal for manufacturing the basins - but so is a bio-based composite.

How many cubic metres of damaged timber had to be felled in 2022, mainly due to long periods of drought and the spread of the bark beetle?

That is wrong.

Correct. This corresponds to a 59.5% share of logging due to forest damage. In 2012, the figure was still 17.8%.

Verschiedene Gemüsesorten und Milchprodukte in einer Kiste mit Isoliermaterial

Food packaging

Maize is first and foremost a foodstuff. Many of its plant components that are not edible are also suitable for the production of environmentally friendly products. For example, for products that bring other foods fresh to the consumer. 

In 1960, maize was grown on 6,000 hectares in Germany. How big was the area in 2023?

That's wrong.

That's correct. In 2012, the figure was as high as 526 thousand hectares.


Phone case

Most users know that the production of smartphones places a heavy burden on the environment. But protective covers made of plastic can also be harmful to humans and nature. Manufacturers use plant-based plastic alternatives to develop more sustainable products.

How many smartphones are sold in Germany each year?

This is wrong, but roughly equivalent to the number of smartphone users in Germany.


Verschließbare Dönertüte aus Papier

Kebab bag

Kebabs to go are usually wrapped in aluminium foil. An award-winning innovative paper packaging offers a more sustainable solution.

How much packaging waste is generated statistically per capita and year in Germany?

No, its about double.

Correct. This is the per capita consumption of the year 2020.

Geldbörse aus Teakblättern


Concerns about animal welfare, the climate and the environment are increasingly prompting consumers to buy vegan imitation leather. Leave-based leather alternatives impress with their unique look and are biodegradable.

According to PETA, how many animals are killed worldwide each year for leather products?

That's wrong.

